Thursday, May 19, 2011


  • So my relationship with Eric lasted about a year and a half. I endured more shit than one person should in a lifetime. I was choked in front of my friends, pushed down stairs, dropped down stairs, pushed, grabbed, had clothing ripped off of my body, restrained, tripped, had my hair pulled, my cars keys chucked into the woods, my car kicked, and this was only the physical abuse.

    The mental abuse was so much worse than I even realized at the time. He kept me in a constant supply of drugs, but he doles them out. I wasn't allowed to have my own dealings anymore. My pot dealer was now his, and I wasn't to have any phone numbers, he had to have control. He controlled everything we did, I said, and who I saw. He also began to cheat on me with some of the most disgusting women in Eagle River area. This wasn't good on my self-esteem either. Why would he do that when he had me, guess I wasn't worth much.

    I was also made to think I was crazy whenever I accused him of this, or suspected him of anything. He also would threaten to break up with me, or give me the cold shoulder if I ever expressed any opinion. He and his bitch of a mother would also gang up on me when we fought. She would insist that I must have said, or done something to provoke her precious, innocent child. Some of his family sympathized with me, but wouldn't stand up to him. My friends hated him for what he was doing to me, but were afraid to lose their drug connection.

    I finally confessed to my friend Jack what had been going on all the while, and that I was scared to tell my family, because I was so ashamed I had gotten stuck in this situation. He went to my dad and told him what was going on. My dad felt bad that I felt I couldn't come to him, but Jack did his best to explain it wasn't him it was me. So my parents approached me and said I needed to find a way to end it, and post haste. My dad gave me a cell phone in case I needed to call for help, and he could keep tabs on me as well.

    I was going to the Chicago hair show with some classmates. They all knew the situation, and were supportive of me leaving him. So we went drank, got tattooed, and I finally had a fantastic weekend without living in fear of my action. I needed that little break to find a sliver of courage to leave his woman beating ass for good.

    When I returned home I somehow needed to get my snowboard back from him without incident. I was in the car with a friend of mine when Eric called. I hung up and begged my friend to come with me to Eric's mother's apartment to get my things. He was scared and said no, but he would be a few doors down. 

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