Thursday, May 19, 2011

Damages 2

It started without incident, but quickly escalated. I tried to reason with him as best as possible, but it was no use. We went outside and before he gave me the snowboard I had to listen to his anger at me one last time. He then began to trip me anytime I tried taking a step. Whenever I was on the ground he pulled me by the hair back to my feet. I managed to get my snowboard, and started to leave, he tripped me one last time, then had the nerve to face wash me. I rolled over and he picked up the snowboard, and went to hit me across the face with it. I looked up at him and said, "Go ahead! I fucking dare you!" He then threw it over me and it went sailing under my car. I got up, and booked as fast as I could to grab it, get in my car, and go. The whole time he was crying and wailing at me that he loved me and was so sorry for what had just happened. And of course uttered the words I had heard so many times before. "It'll never happen again."

I rushed to my friends house a few doors down and they wanted me to call the police, but I was too scared. To my surprise they pulled in no too long after I got to the house. The neighbors had called the police next door, they saw the whole thing. I filed a report and the police went to look for Eric. In no time his horrible mother came to my friends door and stuck her finger in my face and called me a liar! Apparently her and her equally useless husband had watched the whole incident as well and she was calling me a liar! I was never so furious in all of my life. I thought I might have killed the bitch. Good thing there were several people holding me back and showing her the door. Probably a good thing, I would've choked the life out her for that.

I couldn't understand how someone could enable their child to be such a monster, especially after witnessing it with her own eyes.

A few days later a friend of mine went to my dad with me to show him the police report. I don't think I've ever seen my dad so angry in my life. Not at me, and of course he had some choice words expressing his discontent.

I should have been immediately whisked to therapy after the whole thing, but like everything else I stuffed it convinced it would just eventually heal on it's own. I had no idea how I was going to unravel from this. I was a completely different person, Like someone snuffed the life out of me. I had no spirit left. So like any good addict I just poured drugs all over myself in an attempt to put the spirit back into myself. I was just making things a whole lot worse.......

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